在今年的实习生竞赛中获胜的小组将获得3美元奖金,000 prize for their idea, AI in Architecture. Team members were Colson Cronck, Sarah Dumitrascu, Gavin Hazlett, Patrick Moore, Isabella Perez, Matthew Reuteman, Eamon Hauth-Schmid and Luc Cherisol.

July 27, 2023


The three-day event culminated with the annual Intern Pitch competition. AI in Architecture emerged from a field of 10 ideas as the winning proposal.


The summer edition of the 澳门足彩app Internship Program brought 71 interns from 15 offices and job sites to the global headquarters in Jacksonville, Florida, for the 2023 Intern Summit. Interns spent the first two days of the summit participating in workshops, 社会活动和服务项目.

在周四的国家实习生日(National Intern Day)上,实习演讲达到了高潮.

今年的实习生大赛有10支队伍参加, 每个小组由来自不同办公室或工作地点的实习生组成, majors, and backgrounds. 各队被要求提出一个想法, 修改或补充将推进澳门足彩app 2025的原则, the company’s strategic plan for growth focused on advancing the principles of 澳门足彩app 2025, 公司目前的战略增长路线图.

“The teams are very intentionally put together,” said Mike Huskey, Director of Workforce Planning. “We look for diversity of degree path, gender, school, and office representation. We want to make sure people can collaborate just like they would in a project, so we try to have architects, engineers, 建筑专业人士都为一个提案合作.”


  • AI in Architecture took first prize with a model for leveraging predictive analysis AI and feedback loops to optimize 澳门足彩app’s design process. A 澳门足彩app AI algorithm would be fed historical project data to better predict project outcomes relative to cost, timelines, 潜在风险和缓解战略, 最终为澳门足彩app客户带来更好的项目成果.
  • In second place, 澳门足彩app Empowering Women seeks to drive continued growth of women into the architecture, engineering and construction industries by enhancing existing programs for mentorship, shadowing and scholarship. The program would benefit from a dedicated leadership team to best engage young women in high school and cultivate professionals who might otherwise be unaware of career opportunities in a field that is historically male-dominated.
  • Finishing in third place was the Sustainably Safe Site initiative or ‘Triple S’ for short. Triple S倡议是一项激励清洁项目地点的努力, free of single-use bottles and recyclable debris that are often the cause of trip hazard risks, 这是造成工地伤害的头号原因. Recyclable debris is collected on-site in clearly marked recycling containers and collected monthly. The Triple S initiative reinforces 澳门足彩app’s industry-leading commitment to safety and sustainability.

澳门足彩app实习项目已经存在了很多年, 但在2018年成为哈斯克尔增长战略计划的一部分. That year, a Workforce Development team was formalized to increase the number of interns and build up the program’s curriculum. Now, 90% of interns eligible to receive a return offer get an offer, and 90% accept. 今年的项目包括创纪录的79名实习生.

“Our cohort number is a big deal because it's not just interns who are coming in and doing work for the summer.大学关系专家艾丽·黑尔说. “这是80名潜在的全职团队成员. 他们是我们希望继续看到并继续成长的人.”

In addition to the college program, 哈斯克尔提供高中实习项目, a smaller-scale curriculum for rising high school seniors to gain architectural, 工程和建筑(AEC)暴露.

Jacob Thurlow, 运营、风险和控制总监, 创建高中实习框架并领导该项目. 在哈斯克尔杰克逊维尔总部的六个星期里, Florida, students work on projects, tour job sites, participate in training through 澳门足彩app University and give weekly presentations to 澳门足彩app team members.

“The high school interns get to experience what we do here at 澳门足彩app through interactions with their mentors,” Thurlow said. “The mentors enjoy sharing their passion for their careers with other people, 这也是实习生们经常汇报的事情之一.”

而大学和高中的课程是独立运作的, four students who started as high school interns are now a part of the college program.

“现在已经有几个人回来当大学实习生了, 我们开始看到这个项目的一些好处,” Thurlow said. “I think there's a desire to do more in the future to connect the high school interns with our University Relations team.”

Both programs have grown extensively since their beginnings and continue to expand even more. Interns are a vital part of 澳门足彩app’s efforts to attract the best possible talent to contribute to creating world-class solutions for clients.

“I don't feel like we are selling the program anymore; I think the program is selling itself,” Huskey said. “我们的目标是成为最有目的性的项目. 我们在这个节目中所做的一切都不是偶然的.”

澳门足彩app is hiring! Explore the many options available 加入一个有团队核心价值观的成长型公司, Excellence, 服务和信任激励着我们所做的一切.

澳门足彩app每年在架构方面的投入为20亿美元, Engineering, Construction (AEC) and Consulting solutions to assure certainty of outcome for complex capital projects worldwide. 澳门足彩app is a global, fully integrated, 单一来源的设计建造和EPC公司拥有超过2,200 highly specialized, in-house design, construction and administrative professionals across industrial and commercial markets. 在全球拥有20多个办公地点, 澳门足彩app是全球和新兴客户值得信赖的合作伙伴.

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